Mission in Motion
December 14, 2023
This past month we’ve had some very special visitors, great progress, and many accomplishments. As we work together putting our mission in motion, we wanted to share some of the highlights with you:
- Grace Nguyen Visit
Grace traveled to visit us from the US as a volunteer and stayed for a month. She spent quality time with all Addis and Bishoftu children. She is an energetic, wise and amazing sister for all our children. We know they gained so many psychological, mental and emotional benefits from her volunteer service. We can also imagine how it is useful for the children in the healing process of their past trauma by such a kind act of service. B Loved has a huge THANK YOU to Grace who generously gave her time, energy, and expertise to support our children and to make the world a better place.
- Medical doctors from Sodo Christian Hospital came to spend time with our Sodo kids. They sang songs and had good conversations. The kids enjoyed the time they spent with them.
- Birth certificates for our children were processed by the Executive Director at Hawassa office this past month. It is finalized for 34 children from the new South Region office at Sawla. It was suspended for the last couple of years and so we are thrilled this process is now complete and is a great success to have these documents for the children.
- Tiruye and Medi have started living in a separate house. This is a new experience for them and we feel it’s an essential transitional step towards independent living. Thank you to our founders, Dave and Amie, for making this into reality. Your support is encouraging and they are full of joy making the house their own.
Bishoftu Updates
- B Loved Ethiopia gives more focus and attention to fill the gap of Spiritual needs for our children. Spiritual support is very important for life transformation and helps to bring desired character and discipline for our children. We have regular bible studies and attend church each Sunday.
- We were involved in supporting a celebration for “universal children day” at Bishoftu town. You can see a photo from this fun event below.
- Construction of B Loved Holistic Center
The main construction is coming along well and this month the second-floor concrete work was done successfully.
- We have added more cattle at our Bishoftu project, going from 7 to 13, and this has allowed us to fully support the children's milk consumption. Among all cows, 5 of them are pregnant and in the near future we will get more calves!
As December comes to a close, we ask that you keep B Loved in mind for your end of year giving. Your generosity is helping us change lives which will have a continual impact for generations to come. Thank you for your support and believing that we can make a difference.