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The Power of Learning

May 5, 2021

The children and staff are all doing great and getting back into the swing of things since they are able to now attend their regular classes. South West Academy students took their second quarter exam at the beginning of this past month and we’re happy to announce they did very well. The project staff awarded some prizes to some of the best academic performers. Congratulations to Tesfanesh Omate, Meskerem Sendeno, Eyosiyas Meskele, Samuel Alahu, Bushere Buche and Asirat Fanta!! We are so proud of all of their hard work. 

Tiruenesh Banti has started a short- term class for fashion designing and business management in the school of “Next Fashion Design”. She has been attending the class for one month and within this short period of time, she has learned to make miniskirts and is enjoying the class.

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The kids were given some funds for clothing support and were encouraged to go buy their own clothes to teach greater responsibility. They always enjoy this opportunity and are looking great in their new outfits! 

The library is on it’s way to being complete! Books have been arranged and registered according to the international library standard documentation method. The community members have come together and donated books for the library as well as  individuals from Sodo, Hawassa, and U.S.A. We are grateful to the people who voluntarily donated to make our library full and to give the kids more resources to learn from. After the addition of some chairs and buying some other items for the library, it will be officially launched soon!

Thank you for your sponsorships and continued donations! You are doing amazing things in the lives of these children daily.
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