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The Power of Testimony

April 17, 2023

A big community mobilization event was held on March 24 at the B Loved Ethiopia development center. A total of 30 key partner organizations and community leaders attended the event. The achievements and the challenges of 2022 for B Loved Ethiopia, and the role of partners and the community were presented to the participants. Two of our B Loved Ethiopia kids, Yonatan Biniam and Tamenech Bekele, gave their powerful life testimonies. The testimonies of both children touched everyone’s heart and challenged them to think more on how they can be involved with our efforts. There was a field visit and reflection time at the end. The participants admired what B Loved Ethiopia has been achieving. Discussions were had on ways to strengthen the project in the future. We have no doubt that hearing the personal stories straight from the children was eye opening to the community leaders and will help keep them invested in our mission.

Abdi and Birehanu have already started their regular classes at their universities. We are proud of them and excited for their continued growth.

The tutorial support for B Loved children is given by local social workers, nurses, and other moms in town. They come regularly and it really helps give the kids the extra attention and support they need in their studies.

Three of the Sodo children (Tesfanesh, Samuel & Asrat) were involved in a school performance. They were honored with a prize to acknowledge their extraordinary effort and to encourage other children. The performance was in the presence of officials from the Zonal Women and Children Affairs office and church representatives. You can see from their photos below that they were proud of themselves, as they should be!

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B Loved Ethiopia offered clothing support this month to the Sodo blind school. We love that we are able to give back to others in our community!

Status of the Bishoftu Center Construction

The construction in Bishoftu is going very well. Currently, it has created job opportunities for 40 people. It is at the stage of constructing sections of the underground part and basement of the first floor. The major challenge currently is the shortage of cement and cost of the construction items. The task is done by committed people and hopefully they will finish the underground and basement work in April.

B Loved has admitted another beneficiary to Bishoftu group home! Her name is Feraol Mekonnen Negash. She is 12 and in grade 7. She joined the B Loved group home in March and now the total number of Bishoftu group home children is 14 (6 male and 8 Female). We plan to continue bringing in more children until we attain our maximum target of 32 children. We will be sending more information about Feraol as we get her settled in. If you are able to help sponsor a child, especially those who are just joining us, we would be very grateful. The monthly sponsorships take care of all the essential needs of the children. Learn more about the easy steps to becoming a sponsor HERE.

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